Monday, May 11, 2009

Tommy's 1st post

Justin is moving to Montgomery for the summer, Jessica is nearing Graduation and will be starting Faulkner University in the Fall, Josh is two weeks from finishing up with Elementary School he will is moving up to Junior High next year. Erin just finished her last class before summer break, she has a month of no school and that is huge for us. She is away this week in North Carolina. As for me I am traveling 2-3 weeks out of every month. I am on my 3rd week of a 40 day fast (is that correct Fast?), I am not eating: meat, dairy products, or bread and I am eliminating alcohol. Pretty much fruits, vegetables and water Erin is doing it with me although not being quite as strict. We are also planning our summer vacation and are looking at spending a week or so at St. John.


1 comment:

Senior N 50 said...

You need to go snorkeling at Trunk Bay while you are in St Johns. Congradulations Jessie & Josh. Have a great summer Justin